Tag: business policy

  • Restoring A World Out Of Balance

    Koyaanisqatsi. It is the Hopi word for “life out of balance”, popularized in the ’80s by director Godfrey Reggio in his film trilogy. It is telling that we do not similarly have just one word in English to quite convey the same sense, as this is the situation in which many of us speaking English…

  • Advancing Community Priorities

    Guest speakers, David Jaber from the Oyate Omniciye regional sustainability planning effort of the Oglala Sioux Tribe (Pine Ridge Reservation) and Carrie Runser-Turner from the GroWNC regional planning project in Western North Carolina,  provide examples of how their tribal and rural communities were able to advance their priorities through local, regional planning efforts. In addition,…

  • Interview with David Jaber, Sustainability Consultant and Principal at Climate Positive [AUDIO]

    A social innovator can take form in a number of avatars, including social entrepreneur, innovative nonprofit leader, corporate social responsibility lead, or associate with an impact role in a large company. A sometimes-overlooked path in social enterprise, however, is that of sustainability consultant. David Jaber, is such a consultant. Over the past fifteen years, he…