Go Net Zero. Pursue Science Based Targets.
Leading companies and those in their supply chain are now impacted by a plethora of climate programs.
Which are significant? Which are meaningful? What does it mean if you sign up? Please get in touch and we’ll help you navigate.

Climate Positive Consulting
Can Help You With

Food Processing – Climate Collaborative, OSC2, and SFTA Member Advice
Food processors and the natural foods industry have stepped up in a significant way around an array of packaging, climate, water, and sourcing challenges. Examples include Climate Collaborative, OSC2, and the Sustainable Food Trade Association. Contact us if you are a member or prospective member that is 1) feeling stuck in making progress, 2) could use advice or 3) could benefit from an informed third-party assessment.
Life Cycle Assessment
Life cycle assessment (LCA) results can be confusing, with the process seeming expensive, cumbersome or both. Get in touch to understand streamlined ways to assess the life cycle impacts of your products and processes, interpret LCA studies that you already have, or simply get advice on how to proceed.
B Corporations
B Corporations are the movement! 3,500+ companies have committed to embed social and environmental responsibility into their operations. Get in touch to understand the business case to become a B Corporation, understand the process to get there, and support in working through the process.
Drawdown Coaching
Intrigued by Drawdown and the vision to reverse climate change in the next 30 years? Yet, still not sure how you fit into concerted global implementation of 100+ Drawdown solutions? Get in touch.
Recent Projects
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Opportunity: Alameda County aimed to divert 75% of waste generated within its borders…
Opportunity: In launching its sustainability program, an electrical equipment provider requested energy…