Once Upon A Farm : client spotlight


Known best as a beloved American actress, Jennifer Garner is also the Co-Founder of a major organic kid’s food brand. Once Upon A Farm products are already on the shelves of thousand of retailers that parents shop today, including Whole Foods, Target, Costco, and Kroger. A present environmental win for the company is that a large proportion of O’Farm food ingredients consist of organic perennial orchard crops such apples and mangoes, as the living roots of these trees sequester carbon in soils and above-ground biomass. Another one of their major ingredients—organic strawberries from in Chile— is grown in rotation with legumes. Rotation with legumes fixes nitrogen in the soil without added fertilizers while also decreasing crop pests and plant disease occurrence.

While their cold processed, high pressure food safety and preservation method delivers a notable benefit to consumers by maintaining the fresh fruit flavors, vitamins, and pigments without dyes or additives, the metallized-film single serving pouches used in the process are too complex for many recycling systems and also a challenge for reuse. O’Farm encourages consumers to return the pouches for upcycling and has prioritized developing simpler, thinner packaging in the future.  Climate Positive Consulting’s role is assisting O’Farm to develop the first detailed carbon footprint of its total operations, and building an effective suite of measures to lower emissions over following years. Bon appetít!